On Demand Sessions

Case Series
Advancing Electrophysiology: Unveiling FARAPULSE Techniques for Streamlined Patient Workflow


  • Introduction to the TransformAF FARAPULSETM Case Series – John Day

  • FARAPULSETM 101 Case Presentation and Recorded Case – John Day

  • Streamlined Patient Workflow: Enhancing Efficiency and Patient Experience in Healthcare. Presentation and Recorded Case – Jose Osorio

  • Q&A


Case Series
Fluoroscopy-Free Cardiac Interventions: Advancing Procedure Efficiency and Safety


  • Session Introduction – John Day

  • Case Presentation: Review recorded procedure, emphasizing usage of ICE and 3D mapping to minimize fluoroscopy exposure in clinical practice – Devi Nair

  • Peer-to-Peer Discussion: Experience using FARAPULSE, emphasizing the intermediate steps and strategies for transitioning from standard fluoroscopy to low or no fluoroscopy techniques and the evolution of 3D mapping integration – John Day and Devi Nair

  • Audience Q&A – John Day and Devi Nair


Case Series
Innovation in Action: The Evolution of FARAPULSE with FARAVIEW Integrated Mapping


  • Session Introduction – John Day

  • Case Review Focusing on early exposure to FARAVIEWTM, showcasing dynamic shape visualisation, automated field tagging and streamlining the workflow

  • Peer-to-Peer Discussion John Day and Vivek Reddy will present the latest clinical data on PFA, highlighting advancements, developments, and next-generation PFA technology. They will discuss the evolution of 3D mapping integration and the future of EP with this next-generation technology. Additionally, they will explore how they plan to implement it in their daily workflow and working practices.

  • Audience Q&A – John Day and Vivek Reddy



*Pending 510(k) clearance, not available for sale in the United States. CAUTION: Investigational Device. Limited by Federal (or US) law to investigational use only. Not available for sale.